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drawn nearer to God, or more rftipressed
with the coldness and feebleness of his
own devotional exercises, than when at¬
tempting to follow this eminent servant
of God. No one ever united with him
without feeling similar emotions.
Jacob was not only a constant attend¬
ant upon the appointments of the church
of which he was a member, but he often
lead in devotional exercises when re¬
quested to do so. In those services he
engaged without the slightest appearance
of pride. On the contrary, his public ex¬
ercises as well as his whole deportment
were characterized uniformly with the
most humble spirit. At the same time.
there was a propriety, a richness and a
glow of devotion in his services, that
showed alike the superior order of his
mind and the deep piety of his heart. 1
shall never forget one prayer-meeting in
particular. It was held at the house where
he lived. After several others had led in
the devotional exercises of the evening.
all of whom had received the advantages