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given to ine in the prison, I seem to be
more touched with it, because out of it I
found relief from my sins, and rest to my
soul; out of that very same Bible."
" So you cannot let me have it."
" No, master, I would let you have it
if I could go with you, so that I could
read it every night and morning. But
even if I would give it to you, you would
not have it, you would not take it from
" If I left you a new one, and a better
oneāand a larger print ?"
" It would not answer. Mr. Curtis led
me on by that Bible. Mr. Curtis led me
to the feet of Jesus out of that same Bible,
and by Mr. Curtis leading me by that
Bible, I saw by the 51st psalm, and the
55th chaptei of Isaiah ; the 51st psa.m
condemned me to eternal death and there
was no help for me, and by the 55th
chapter of Isaiah I found relief to my
Mr. Dwight had been long and un-
weajiedlv devoted to the improvement of