Page 71
" That is to say, set apart three times
a day, and let nothing prevent."
" Three times a day ? Any particular
place ?"
" In the barn when I am about home
if not, in the woods. No worldly objec/
shall stop me when I am pressed by thf
Spirit of God ; and if I cannot go this
moment, the Lord will make a way foi
me to go the next."
" You speak much of the Spirit of Got1
pressing you."
" Yes; driving me to do my duty tc
my Master."
" What measures do you use tp have
the movings of the Spirit upon youi
soul ?"
" When I feel that I am left alone by
the Spirit, I pray for the Spirit, and the
Lord, according to the promise, sends his
Spirit to comfort the mourning, weeping
" Does the Bible help you any about
this ?"
" 0, yes; the Bible is my guide and