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He is long-suffering and not willing mat
any should perish. He came to seek and
to save that which was Lst."
" Where is he ?"
" He is in heaven and everywhere preĀ¬
sent. He is omniscient and everywhere."
" How do you know ?"
" I feel his Spirit moving upon my soul
every once in a while, especially when I
forget him."
" When do you forget him ?"
" When I let the things of the world get
between my soul and him, it is not long
before I miss him, and strive to find him
" Did you ever form any conception of
his appearance ?" ,
".His appearance?"
" Yes, of his person."
" No, sir. He appears to me sometimes
by an eye of faith as the Lamb of God,
who taketh away the sin of the world.
This I saw this day."
" Where were you when you saw it
his day?"