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V Canandaigua, Oct. 2, 1839
I visited the jail in this place, in com
pany with my ag*d and venerable friend
from the Auburu prison; who is a won¬
derful monument of redeeming love. His
Christian character and example are much
admired by all who know him. The tes¬
timony of the pious lady with whom he
lives, and has lived for seven y*?ars, is
most- decidedly in favour of his faithful¬
ness and piety. My interview, a record
of which will be found below, will speak
for itself.
As we proceeded to the jail, from the
house where he lived, and came upon the
side-walk in that beautiful village, and
every thing around us appeared bright and
lovely, and our hearts burned within us
toward the God of providence and grace;
Jacob said, "0, Mr. Doit,* little did I
think, when I saw you at my cell in the
Auburn prison, that I should ever walk by
vour side in the streets of Canandaigua."
After we returned from the jail, and
* This was his pronunciation of the name.