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could eat nothing that day. I did not
eat a mouthful.
" I recollected at that time, that a mini¬
ster had told me whenever I had a chap
ter read, to have the fifty-first psalm. 1
could not see any body to get to read it,
and how to find it I did not know. The
Sunday following, before the keeper un¬
locked the door, I rose up, and I went to
prayer, and I prayed: '0 Lord, thou
knowest I am ignorant; brought up in
ignorance. Thou knowest my bringing
up. Nothing is too hard for thee to do.
May it please thee, O Lord, to show me
that chapter, that I may read it with un¬
derstanding. I rose up from prayer, and
went to my Bible and took it up. I began
at the first psalm, and turned over and
counted every psalm, and it appeared to
me that God was with me, and I counted
right to the fifty-first psalm. I could read
a little, and I began to spell—H-a-v-e
tn-e-r-c-y, &c. I looked over tne psalm,
and spelled it and read it, and then out
the Bible down ard fell upon my Knees;