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if I could not read, he would visit me in
my cell and put me in the way I shall
ever love him while God gives me breath.
I shall love the chaplain for he put me in
the way to gain the salvation of my soul.
He made me promise him faithfully that
I would go to God and try to find mercy;
arid yet I had doubt in my hearty my sin
was so heavy, whether I should be for-
"The chaplain soon Iff' me,and 1 went
mto my cell and pour'.c'. out my heart to
God to have mercy on me. The more I
prayed, the more miserable I grew, the
heavier and heavier were my sins.
" The next day I requested an indiviĀ¬
dual to read to me a chapter, and as God
would have it, he turned to the 55th chapĀ¬
ter of Isaiah. It said, 'Every one that
thirsteth, iome ye to the waters, and he
that hatn no money, come ye and buy
wine and milk without price.'
" He read along where it says, 'Let the
wicked man forsake his ways and the un
righteous man his thoughts, and let him