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Rev. Mr. Curtis, who at once made him¬
self acquainted with the previous historv
of Jacob and his peculiar disposition.
The chaplain was forcibly struck with
his fixedness of attention and his grateful
emotions at the kindness he received, to¬
gether with that certain manifestation of
human nobleness which Jacob always
exhibited even in his worst days.
At this time Jacob was extremely igno¬
rant, he did not know his own age accu¬
rately, and could not read at all. All
moral and religious truth had been kept
from him, and he was yet to learn his
character and destiny as an accountable
and immortal being.
The chaplain came to him with the
Bible, and notwithstanding his extreme
ignorance and advanced age. proposed to
teach him to read. The first lesson he
gave him was the first word in the Bible,
I-n. The chaplain said to him, That word
is in. Can you see how many letters
there are in it ? Jacob replied, Two. He
was then directed to look for the same