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time I e was more than seven hours
uninteiruptedly under examination, and
no essential deviation or inconsistency was
detected in any part of his long and
tedious statement. There was such a
frankness and appearance of truth and
candour in his whole demeanour, that the
court and spectators were fully satisfied
with the correctness of his story.
Though the parties all pleaded not
guilty, the three white men, with Jacob,
were found guilty, and sentenced to be
executed on the 16th of April, following;
and after execution., the body of Jacob
Hodges was to be delivered to the Presi¬
dent of the Orange County Medical So¬
ciety, for dissection.
Mrs. T., when brought to trial, as she
had seen her husband and his two accom¬
plices found guilty upon the same testi¬
mony that was to be adduced against her
withdrew her plea of " Not guilty," and as
the purposes of justice did not seem to
demand her execution, she was sentenced
upon her i wn confession to merely a no-