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await his trial, at the next session of uV
court cf oyer and terminer.
At this court, indictments were found
by the grand jury against the three white
men, Jacob, and Mrs. T., for the wilful
murder of Jennings. Upon the trial of
the white men and Mrs. T., Jacob wa?
the chief witness on the part of the prose¬
cution. His testimony commences as fol¬
lows: "About one year ago, one of the
prisoners told me that I was a fit person
to destroy Jennings. Another said to me,
I wish I had killed him, and in the even¬
ing he requested me to do it. During the
sitting of the court, last fall, two of them
several times spoke to me, and wished I
would do it; and told me not to let my
mind fail me, for I should have spirits
enough; that Y :.nd D. would assist me,
and would divide one thousand dollars
between them and nie. On Thursday, be¬
fore the murder, after an hour's conversa¬
tion, 1 agreed to kill Jennings. On Satur¬
day, C. loaded the gun, and showed me
how to do it. When the sun was about an